Should you give your book away? Not to everyone, but there are definitely some people who you should send it to as a gift.
Different authors have different reasons for writing their book. If you’re a consultant or a business person, one of your primary goals is to use your book to get new clients. So rather than wait passively and hope that they hear about it, why not take action and send it directly to them?
Not all of them. That would probably be too expensive. Instead, choose only those people who are either influencers or potential buyers.
Influencers consist of a select group of individuals who people trust. These are professionals whose opinions matter. A positive review from them about your book -- on either Amazon or your website -- can easily result in additional sales and increased prestige.
Potential buyers, on the other hand, aren’t simply people who will buy your book. They’re people who also have the ability and budgets to buy your services. For example, if you’re a business or technology consultant, a new contract can be worth millions. Isn’t it worth the time and effort to get your book into the hands of these individuals if it ultimately leads to one of these contracts?
Actually, it doesn’t take much time and effort. Mailing prospects a book is pretty straightforward. If you’re sending them the book during the Holiday Season, you can even enclose the book in seasonal wrapping paper to make it look more like a gift. What’s most important is the special letter you include that tells the prospect why you decided to send them a personal signed copy.
The key is to make the prospect feel special. Let them know how much you value their opinion without being overly solicitous. Too many compliments make your letter ring false. Equally important, don’t ask them for anything in return: no reviews, no meetings, nothing. Simply include your name and contact information.
Your book will do the rest.
John Rovito