ISBN is the acronym for International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit numeric code that serves as unique identifier for your book. The code captures information regarding the book’s publisher, title, language, edition, and version.
The ISBN helps customers identify and order the exact book they want to purchase. Online retailers such as Amazon as well as libraries, bookstores, distributors, and wholesalers depend on this unique identifier to track purchases and sales. An ISBN is not be required to sell eBooks. If you don’t want to sell print copies of your book, you can do without one.
Every ISBN consists of thirteen digits (since 2007) and whenever it is printed it is preceded by the letters ISBN. The thirteen-digit number is divided into parts of variable length, each part separated by a hyphen. The five parts of an ISBN (13) are as follows:
The current ISBN–13 is prefixed by “978” or “979”.
Group or country identifier identifies a national or geographic grouping of publishers.
Publisher identifier which identifies a particular publisher within a group.
Title identifier which identifies a particular title or edition of a title.
Check digit is the single digit at the end of the ISBN which validates the ISBN.
A book title does not have a constant ISBN. Each version such as a hardcover, paperback, or audiobook require a separate ISBN. An ISBN cannot be re-used, even if the original book that it was purchased for goes out of print. If you publish with Amazon, they will supply you with a free ISBN. However, you can also purchase your own ISBN.
There are several advantages to getting your own ISBN. Purchasing and registering an ISBN in your own name means that you are the publisher. If you are the publisher of record, your ISBN will remain unchanged even if you change from Amazon or publish with multiple companies.
If an organization wants to purchase multiple copies of your book, they will now approach you as the owner of the ISBN instead of your online publishing company. Also, if you plan on writing several books, it makes sense to take on the title of a publisher and have your own constant publishing imprint on your books.
Each country has an agency that issues ISBNs. Bowker is the official ISBN agency for the US. When you purchase an ISBN from Bowker, you will also receive a special ISBN barcode. The barcode is placed on the back cover of your book. The sellers of physical books use barcodes to manage their inventory by reading the barcode at the time of purchase and sale.