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CATEGORY:  Self Help


A Commitment to Yourself

In my late twenties, I was living in New York City where I got together with a group of women on a weekly basis. The purpose of the group was to support each other’s writing, but over the course of several months, we collectively transformed into something much more powerful. We set goals. We listened to each other’s dreams and planted the seeds for our future.


​     At that time, I was just setting out on my life’s journey and had numerous goals I wanted to achieve. I wanted to earn more money, meet and marry my soulmate, and start a family.  Creatively, I decided that I wanted to write a self-help book, make an original album, and run a dance company. I also wanted to become a professional coach and earn my 200-hour Yoga teacher certification.  


​     Almost two decades later, what I began so long ago has helped me to flourish.  The goals that I set for myself back then have today become my reality.  There are always new goals that I am adding to my list and old goals that require improvement. I am constantly practicing and working on what is most important to me. So, I am deeply grateful on a daily basis for everything I have created and received.


​     When I look at my life, I realize that it is a reality I created by committing to and working on manifesting. To achieve my goals, I read about other people’s experiences in transformation. I took numerous workshops, trying everything that might aid me in my attempt to manifest my dreams. I integrated the best ideas that I discovered, created new techniques of my own, then developed and field-tested them into a working model. 


​     Like most of us, my day-to-day existence was complicated. I was working long hours on my career while pursuing my passion for dance and enjoying a busy social life.   I believed I couldn't possibly spend even a half-hour a day on manifesting. To overcome my hesitation, I condensed the tools and exercises I had developed into daily segments.  I named my new program: The Manifestor.


     For many of us, it can take a significant amount of commitment and self-discipline to improve our future. Knowing my own personality and my penchant for creativity, I needed to develop a flexible structure to get myself to commit to daily manifesting. As it evolved, my program enabled me to more easily practice the exercises I reveal in this book -- even when I didn’t want to perform them or felt that I didn’t have the time.


​     After only a few weeks of consistent effort, these exercises started to work. As I started to manifest what I wanted, I became excited about the results I began to achieve. This made it easier to commit to my daily manifesting, even in the midst of the chaos of a busy life. Success led to more success until I eventually looked forward to the minutes each day that I would spend creating the future that I had for so long wanted.


​     As it became clear that my program was actually working, I asked myself: “Could I teach this approach to other people? Or is it something that works only for me?”


     Over the next few years, to answer this question, I shared The Manifestor with others. I am now confident that by rigorously following the steps I have laid out -- using the tools, doing the exercises, learning to focus on what is most important to you, and establishing the habits that reinforce new behaviors -- you too will also be able to manifest  changes in your life.


A Commitment to Your Future Self


     There is no single way to create lasting change. There are many paths and at different times, you may need to draw upon different approaches. The Manifestor enables you to look at your future from the multiple perspectives of your personality, then provides you with tools and exercises that match your individual values and beliefs.   


​     I cannot guarantee that you will succeed in attaining everything that you want via The Manifestor. What I can say with great confidence is that I have personally observed that many of my friends and students who have followed the program, have manifested changes that they at first did not think possible.
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